There are sometimes when we are unable to read every book for class. At times like that there are 2 guides that come to mind. SparkNotes and CliffNotes. If you want to check out a different point of view or some different resources I have found 5 more sites that are worth checking out.
This is my first 7Best guide
This is my first 7Best guide

With over 460 free study guides, book notes, and chapter summaries, PinkMonkey is a great resource for students, It also contains detailed summaries. If you can ignore the unusual name, it is worth checking out.

Shmoop is one of the best sites on the Web for learning about not only literature, but also other school topics like U.S. history, poetry, civics, biography, and even current bestsellers. The website provides a brief “in a nutshell” introduction to books as well as in-depth summaries. Other features include exploring the story’s themes, quotes, characters, and literary devices, along with plot analysis and study questions.

GradeSaver is another great place for students in need of help. A well-written summary and analysis is provided for the book’s chapters, with other helpful additions like a glossary of terms, character list, and major themes.

6. Bookrags
BookRags has a sizable collection of free literature summaries and study guides. Along with chapter summaries, the site covers author/context, plot summary, major characters, objects/places, and quotes. Important topics about the book are also tracked and analyzed throughout the summaries.

Free Cliff Notes, Free Book Notes, Free Book Summaries, and Free Study Guides for over 1600 books!
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