Monday, February 28, 2011

World Math Day is here

March 1  is World Math Day.

This is an online international math competition that first began in 2007 on the 14th of March. (Pi Day)

The Question sets have come under five categories: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and simple equations. In each game, the student has one minute to answer as many of these questions of a random category as they can. The level of difficulty is approximately age appropriate.
When playing a game, the website will attempt to find other players of the same level to match the player against. If no matches are found, the player plays "against" a computer (which answers questions at pace similar to the past history of the student). After each game, the results are shown together with the competitors' results.
It has been a great experience for us here at school, and the kids love the fact that they are competing against someone else to get the highest score possible.

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